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Honorable Mention

Title: Abandon is Murder

Comcept: With the theme " For Someone Else", the first idea comes to me is to lend my voice in aid of dogs, since the old saying goes that " the dog is the only being that loves you more than you love yourself". Unfortunately, most people in our society are indifference to the behavior of abandoning the puppies by a variety of self-absorbed reasons.
Therefore, I try to create the message with the metaphor approach: To abandon your dogs is equivalent to murder it, when deciding to raise a puppy, you should take full responsibility for it's entire life.
I was inspired by the intimate relationship between my Husky and myself.
I also found the intrinsic value of animals and their connection to people.
Therefore, I completely disagree to the owners who eventually abandoned their pets, which results in my design work. I choose to use the method of metaphor as it can drop hints to readers and leave the answers to them.
In this work, I use shredder and dangle as a metaphor to deliver the concept that abandon is equivalent to murder.

Coment: Behind the recent popularity of the pet boom, there exists the sad trend of owners easily abandoning their pets. This whistle-blowing piece sends out a strong message to "place importance on the life of pets." Using a paper shredder and an animal collar, the simple structure of the visual feature and the catch copy, "Abandon is Murder," leaves a strong impression on the viewer.


Name of Applicant: Ting Fu Lu

Date of Birth: 1975/5/23

Sex: Male

Nationality: Taiwan

Residence: Taiwan

Academic History: Bachelor Degree of Law Department of Fu-Jen University

Occupation: EBP supervisor of Herbalife, International, Taiwan

Collaborator Ting-Yi Lu

Date of Birth: 1980/8/20

Sex: Female

Nationality: Taiwan

Residence: Taiwan

  Academic History: Master Degree of Design of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  Occupation: Student of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  Awards: 2003 The Winner of commercial CF of the competition of Broadcasting development fund, Taiwan
2003 The Winner of public-service CF of the competition of Broadcasting development fund, Taiwan
2003 The nominee for Young designers' competition

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