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Design Museum Collection Exhibition Series Vol.8
American Art Deco: The Modern Era

In volume 8, through various designed products, we introduce scenes of daily life and the atmosphere of the 1930s, an era that was at the forefront of the 20th Century lifestyle. Unlike in previous exhibitions, we are able to display quite a few objects in one place, even large-scale products, beautiful chrome-plated streamlined furniture and colorful kitchenware items that clearly led to the styles of the 1950s. There are more than 200 objects available for public view in this exhibition, pieces that could be seen as representing the roots of the American lifestyle, and which also greatly influenced postwar Japan. It offers a wealth of material reminiscent of modern life in the 1930s.

Venue(s) Design Gallery
4th Fl., Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan

Former Design Museum
4th Fl., Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan


Date(s) Sun., April 1 2001 - Sun., April 22 2001
11:00 - 20:00
Closed Tue., April 17 2001
Admission General public: ¥300, Students: ¥200, Students 15 and under: Free

International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.

Related content(s) American Art Deco Collection (Collection Gallery)
IdcN Collection Exhibition Series (Outline of Major Projects)
American Art Deco: The Modern Era (Reports)

American Art Deco: The Modern Era (Flyer image)