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Nagoya Design School Series Seminar
Vernacular, Culture, and Sometimes Design
Uncovering Culture Through Italy and Kagawa

NAGOYA DESIGN SCHOOL” is a place where people from various industries, including creative professionals, SMEs, business supporters, and financial institutions, can connect and network to explore the possibilities of design utilization in order to promote the diverse use of design by local SMEs.
The first in the series is Italy and Kagawa.
What happens in that region happens because it is there. The word “Fudo (climate)” is used to describe something that deeply affects the life and culture of the residents. The design created in a region may also be deeply related to its Fudo. We think in terms of regions, cultures, and design examples related to them.

1st Period: “Why did the profession of “progettista” originate in Italy?”
Speaker:Takashi Ifuji (Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University / Product Designer)
2nd Period: “Kagawa’s Cultural Revolution: From Governor Kaneko to the Sanuki Folk Art Association”
Speaker:Akiko Chujo (Director, Yashimaru, Yashima Mountain-top Park, Takamatsu City)

Coordinators: Nobuyuki Inaba (Creative Director), Shin Okada (Product Designer)

Capacity: 1st Period 20 people, 2nd Period 50 people (First-come-first-served basis)
Registration Deadline: February 21, 2025
Communication: Japanese; Interpretation not provided

Venue(s) Nagoya Innovator’s Garage
4th Fl., Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan

Date(s) Thu., February 27 2025
1st period 16:30 - 18:30, 2nd period 19:00 - 21:00
Admission Free

International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.

Related content(s) Vernacular, Culture, and Sometimes Design (Flyer PDF)

Vernacular, Culture, and Sometimes Design (Flyer image)