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Council of Chubu Design Organizations 30th Anniversary Relay Talk “Design Connected with Society”
The 2nd|Products: Designing People Connected with Society|Student Exchange Meeting

The Council of Chubu Design Organizations (CCDO), established in July 1988, aims to promote design in Nagoya area gathering design organizations from different fields. Celebrates the 30th anniversary of its foundation, for a year as a commemorative year, various projects are carried out under the theme of “Design Connected with Society”. As a part of that, eleven member organizations are divided into four fields: advertisement and editing, products, spatial design, and architecture/interior, and hold relay talks. The 2nd is “Designing of People Connected with Society|Student Exchange Meeting” by two industrial design organizations.

Part 1: Teach me seniors!
About job hunting, and impression on becoming working professionals

A talk event. Young professional designers will speak to job-hunting students about their experiences.
Part 2: Portfolio consultation
Information dissemination for job-hunting. Importance of portfolio

Hints for making a portfolio: a passport for job-hunting and a lifetime business-card for design activities. Young designers will talk about portfolios: recent examples of actual portfolios, and viewpoint of employers, etc., and give personal guidance as well.

*Capacity: 80 people
*Registration necessary
*Communication: Japanese; Interpretation not provided

◎Upcoming talks (tentative)
The 3rd|Spatial Design (JCD, SDA, DSA): Design Triplex (February or March 2019)
The 4th|Architecture/Interior (JID, ASA, CIP): World Interior Week 2019, Trend Seminar (May 2019)
*A comprehensive symposium will be held at the CCDO general assembly in July 2019.


Creative Business Space Chord
4th Fl., Design Center Bldg., 18-1, Sakae 3-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460-0008 Japan

Date(s) Sun., November 18 2018
13:30 - 16:30
Admission General public/CCDO Members: 1,000 yen, Students: 500 yen

Council of Chubu Design Organizations

Co-organaizer(s). etc.

Planning and operation: Japan Industrial Designers' Association Chubu Bloc, Chubu Design Association, Cooperation: International Design Center NAGOYA Inc., Nagoya, UNESCO City of Design Organizing Committee, etc.

Related content(s) Council of Chubu Design Organizations

Council of Chubu Design Organizations 30th Anniversary Relay Talk “Design Connected with Society”
The 2nd|Products: Designing People Connected with Society|Student Exchange Meeting (Flyer image)