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  • Absolute Chairs: The Representation of the Chair in Contemporary Art

Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art: Special Exhibition
Absolute Chairs: The Representation of the Chair in Contemporary Art

Chairs do more than simply support us when we sit down. As an extension of the human body, they are shrouded in a wide range of meanings and symbols, signifying authority and evoking memories. Artists have created diverse images of chairs, shedding light on subjects such as social discord and disparity, personal memories, and relationships with other people. By adopting a new perspective outside the context of design, this exhibition focuses on various chair-related expressions in artworks dating from the postwar to the contemporary era, and considers the state of society and human beings based on the familiar object known as a chair.

Venue(s) Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art
10th Fl., Aichi Arts Center, 13-2 Higashisakura 1-chome, Higashi-ku Nagoya, 461-8525 Japan
Date(s) Thu., July 18 2024 - Mon., September 23 2024
10:00 - 18:00, Open until 20:00 on Fridays (*Last admission; 30 minutes before closing)
Closed Mondays (Except national holidays)
When Monday is a national holiday, closed on the following weekday.
Admission Adults: 1,500 yen, University and High-school students: 1,300 yen, Junior high school students and under: Free
Organizer(s) Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art,The Chunichi Shimbun
Co-organaizer(s). etc. Cooperation: International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.
Related content(s) Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art

Absolute Chairs: The Representation of the Chair in Contemporary Art (Flyer image)