Honorable Mention

Title of work Home, sweet home
Concept of the work People have been destroying the environment for a long time , but they don't pay attention .
Creatures on the earth are working hard to adapt the changes we made , but we don't notice .
Frame is the window , there are many other ways to look at the world .
Judge's Comment When I first saw this work during the First Screening, I was surprised that the designer had actually encountered and photographed such a scene.
It turns out that the scene was not real. Instead, it was a composition made using computer graphics. However, I was still shocked to realize that I had accepted that such a scene might actually exist in the world. This visual depicts an extremely unfortunate world and does not provide the viewer with a good feeling. However, the work achieves an extremely strong impact.

Name of Applicant Yo Yu Kuo
Year of Birth 1989
Gender Female
Nationality Taiwan
Occupation Student / Shih Chien University
Academic History Shih Chien University
Awards 2009 International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont
Students, All to Chaumont' Poster Competition Selected