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Honorable Mention

TitleF Share BOX

Concept: Africa countries receive lots of contributions from many big companies and developed countries around the world. According to UNICEF just one dollar can buy food for african child to eat for 2 or 3 days and a few dollars can buy medicine to cure hundreds of children. Although it receives lots of contributions, Africa is still afflicted by hunger, poverty, and disease. Is there a more effective way to help Africa get out of the hunger? Getting a good education in one's childhood is very important because it significantly affects one's future. Giving money is not the fundamental way of getting over the hunger. We contrive "Share BOX" which affects African's attitudes of life and help them have hopes in their futures. "Share BOX" is module type vinyl house and it can be transformed into a farming place by combining.
A Share BOX consists of cases, pillars, vinyl, tube, cylindar seeds, and a leaflet. The box will be divided into two halves.

Judge's Comments: We can applaud this approach, which says that rather than just providing money to help Africans suffering from food shortages, we should support efforts to find independent solutions to hunger. However, more information is required in showing whether or not setting up plastic hothouses is suitable in African climates and pointing out climate problems and methods of conserving water, along with other ways of verifying this proposal is in fact appropriate for the targeted location. There are some excellent points about this work, but some problems remain, such as with the shape and construction of the box case.


Name of Applicant: Kyoungho Ha

Year of Birth: 1984

Gender: Male

Nationality: Korea
@ Occupation: Student, YeungNam University
@ Academic history: YeungNam University
  Awards: -Osaka 2007 finalist

Collaborator: Dongli Kim
  Heedong Sohn

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