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Honorable Mention

Title: through

Comcept: I believe what we did took us in a direction even unexpected to ourselves. For me, from pictures to videos and then to film installation which is to project those videos in various places.
For the creator, through following me closely work on the piece, from product design to spatial design. We both enjoyed ourselves to the most and invested great energy into having fun. I believe the act of doing this itself was very important. This is not the end of the project. The project continues as we speak.
(Tomoyuki Sotoyaj

I think on the one hand it was a process of searching the functionality of the yet unnamed group of white objects. Coincidently at the same time, the recorder's film installation continued to change the space and strangers started boring names to the piece. While these acts seemed to transpose the space, the piece of work came together.
In hindsight, so I feel...
(Takayuki Kamei)

Coment: This work took a very straightforward approach to the theme and recorded the collaboration process between one's self and others. It was interesting how the relationship between the creators of the exhibit and the photographer recording the creation process was reflected on the piece itself. As a result, the shape, the space in which the piece was exhibited, and the style of installation changed and continued to expand. We could see in the piece that the creators truly enjoyed the creation process.


Name of Applicant: Takayuki Kamei

Date of Birth: 1974/12/26

Sex: Male

Nationality: Japan

Residence: Japan

Academic History: The Architectural Association School of Architecture (MA)

Occupation: Urban Research Design Studio / President

@ Exhibitions: 2006 a exhibition match_vol.01,02,03

Collaborator Tomoyuki Sotoya

Date of Birth: 1974/12/1

Academic History: Musashino Art University

Occupation: Sotoya Presents / President

Exhibitions: 2000 solo exhibition [chi to niku to gomufusen to nyukuri]
2006 a exhibition match_vol.01,02,03

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